Federation of Plans ready
for public participation
Malissa Spies unpacks how Packaging SA’s draft Federation of Industry Waste Management Plans (IWMP) has been compiled, how it compels the entire value chain to contribute towards extended producer responsibility and ways in which paper and packaging sector stakeholders can provide feedback until August 20.

The Federation of Plans proposes that a circular economy approach is undertaken. The Butterfly Diagram, as represented by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation and adapted by Alexandre Lemille to include people, is included in the draft of the plan.
AS the umbrella body representing the majority of the packaging and paper sector value chain, Packaging SA is responsible for submitting a Federation of Industry Waste Management Plans (IWMP) on behalf of the seven extended producer responsibility organisations (PROs), who represent all the packaging waste material streams. The deadline for submissions to the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) is September 6. The seven PROs involved in preparing the Federations of Plans are the Polyolefin Recycling Company (Polyco+), PETCO, The Glass Recycling Company (TGRC), MetPac-SA (metal packaging), Polystyrene Association of South Africa, Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA), and the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA). According to Shabeer Jhetam, executive director of Packaging SA, the Federation of Plans carries more