Organisers, Montgomery Group Afrocet, hope to bring together over 5 500 packaging, plastics, print and food processing professionals under one roof across three days.
Regional director, George Pearson, lists the notable features to help exhibitors secure their return on investment as enhanced partnerships with local associations to bring delegations of senior industry members to the show; a focused business matchmaking platform; a three-day packaging conference with industry leaders; and business networking opportunities with events such as VIP drinks and an exhibitor party.
‘We recognise that the Covid-19 pandemic might impact our exhibition, so we are doing everything we can to minimise risks,’ explains George. ‘The event will be laid out in accordance with government social distancing rules, and visitor numbers will be restricted in relation to the space available.’
Propak West Africa is free to attend for everyone that pre-registers. Visitor registration will open three months ahead of the exhibition at